Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wake up Call

More than 2500 people killed and 5000 injured in various terrorist incidents in last two years alone. Thousands of rupees of economy lost in split minutes.
Mumbai attack: about 200 died and 500 injured. This is considered to be India's worst attack.

Some seven years ago we saw another devastating attack which shook the whole world. We refer to it by 9/11. It was an alarming bell for US and many countries. But it learned from it, stood up and let its actions speak better than its words. And we see no kind of terrorist strike in its territory since. Why?
But what about India...How many more attacks do we need to wake ourselves up?

We blame politicians and their administration for all this. Its true they did nothing for the people they represent. But r we not also responsible by selecting these bad politicians.
The stats shows itself that on an average only 40-44% of the enitre population votes and out of these about 25% r those r poor and simple people who r directly bought by these politicians by giving them some incentives or by threatening them. Also 20% of all votes are bogus votes filled in by illegal or unlawful manners like booth capturing ,etc favouring a particular party.
This shows in itself a lapse in the world's largest democracy. This also shows that we are capable of choosing gud people but we dont use our rights to care for our own country where we live.
Thus the problem doesnt lie in the fruits but in the roots itself where roots are we the people and the fruits these corrupt people. Thus first and foremost thing is to change ourselves and our attitude towards politics. Today no parent wants to send their children in the line of politics as it has been tagged as a dirty field. This image can only change if we try to change it and not just by thinking about it.

We need to look into the Preamble: the very base of democracy. The govt should be of the people, by the people and for the people. But i m afraid that we dont see the last one in the present government and also in the government that we will be seeing in the near future.

Today we see loads of common people protesting against the system but if we ask any of them whether they will walk this dirty path to change it we will find noone. Protesting is one form of voicing your concern about anything but protesting alone doesnt help.
U got to ACT to make things right.

We really need to wake up and open our eyes to all thats happening in and around us.
Remember its not me or you who makes up this world but its the entire population that makes this beautiful world that we live in.

‘Caveat emptor’ – meaning the buyer must take responsibility of the goods they are buying. Are you not responsible for the future you are choosing for yourself?


arya said...

hi well i agree with all u said barring the voting turnout point and in defense of people like me who did not vote all i would like to say is that no one is good get my political party is in the current scenario..deserves the peoples vote for different reasons....and i would say rather than giving to some undeserving guy i might as well keep it to myself!!

Saumya said...

Thats today's scenario no political party is good enough to lead our nation or even a small kasba. they r most of them constrained to their own principles and absurd perceptions. But the thing is that we are not controlling their free-flow atrocities. We r just saying "yeh india hai..yahan kujh nahi badal sakta" and move on. This should not be the case. As discussed earlier too, weak old minds r no longer good for this country of a billion people. Young and mindful energy is what is needed and this can only happen if some youth sacrifice their fancies to clean up this dirt. A change is needed in the system so is a change is needed in our minds and our activities.

Kazim Zaidi said...
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Kazim Zaidi said...

May I ask the author when he accuses everyone of "not walking this dirty path to change it" his contribution?

Or should I dismiss this just as a yet-another-blogpost-protesting-against-system?

@arya, You could've voted for the No-Vote option, less known and exercised. The constitution of India allows you to do a no-vote to express your dissatisfaction.

Saumya said...

@kazim well this path is dirty but my solely coming to this path will not change the scenario. one man can only walk the path but we need a bunch of people to clean that path. gandhiji wudnt hv done it alone if there werent his followers and helpers who helped him in ousting british. people needs to be convinced first by talking to them and fronting our vews...bcos there is a very probability that ones views do not match other's compltely. so there is a ompromise of what needs to be done and how !!